Instructions to authors

Authors are requested to consider the following guidelines before submitting their works:

Guidelines for writing articles

Authors are expected to consider the following items in writing their articles:

-Title of the article should be clear and concise as much as possible and focus on main research categories. Avoid exaggerated newspaper headline.

-Abstract should comprise one paragraph of 150-250 words and convey such main points as research questions, assumptions, methodology, analysis of results and research achievements. After the abstract, a maximum of 8 keywords must be provided. Title, abstract and keywords must also be presented in English at the end of the article. 

-Author(s) name, surname, specialization, academic/seminary degree, Email address, telephone number and address should be attached on a separate page; so the main article is sent with no name. 

-Manuscripts should be submitted as a Word 2003/2007 document in B Nazanin for Farsi and Times New Roman for English written articles with a font size of 13. Articles should not exceed 7000 words in length. 

-English equivalent of important concepts and names can be placed in the footer of each page, if necessary.

-Manuscripts should contain the following information: title, abstract, keywords, introduction, core text, methodology, results and conclusion. 

-Tables, figures and graphs should be numbered separately. Make sure to reference these numbers correctly within the text. Title for the table appears above the table but title for the figure and graph appears below them.

-Information that are indirectly related to the topic are placed in footer. Use B Nazanin for Farsi footnotes and Times New Roman for English footnotes with a font size of 10. 

-List references alphabetically in APA style. Do not include references not cited within the text.

-Submit articles via email or electronic system.

In-text citation

-To cite a source within the text, include the following information in parentheses immediately after the reference to the source: (author s surname, publication date).

-For direct quotations, include page number after publication date as well.

-If reference is made to more than one author, use a slash in between.

How to arrange list of references at the end of article

-Books: author s surname, name. (publication date). Title of the book (in italics). Volume number, place of publication: Publisher.

-Articles: author s surname, name. (publication date). Magazine title (in Italics). Series, issue, pages used (first and last page of the article).

-Thesis/Dissertation: surname, name. (publication date). Title, level (Doctoral dissertation or Master s thesis), Institution.

-List references in alphabetical order by author s surname.

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